Thursday, December 2, 2010

Why Men Cheat

Well, ladies, it’s not about you! Now that we have your attention, generally cheating falls into one of two categories – the first one being, opportunity. This has nothing to do with you. With the flurry of Hollywood break-ups with the most recent being Eva Longoria and Tony Parker, everyone is saying how could he cheat on her? In reality, some men cheat just because they can. They didn’t set out to do it but when the opportunity presents itself in the seemingly perfect set of conditions arise, they will act. Some researchers say this is pure biology-the man has a craving for sexual variety and the need to spread their seed.

The second reason has to do with the man experiencing some type of emotional disconnection. They have feelings of unsecurity or they feel underappreciated. In some cases this can be indirectly about the woman particularly if she is guilty of belittling and demoralizing her man; but more often than not, there are feelings that the man is experiencing that are his and his alone. And rather than address them with his spouse through open and honest communication, he takes the easy route and finds a lover. In fact 88% of men who cheat say that the other woman is not prettier or more physically attractive than their wife. They are simply filling an unmet need.

It is also important to note that not all men cheat - there are plenty of good men who are faithful to their wives. But the moral of the story is that the reason they cheat has very little if anything to do with how attractive or successful you are.

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