Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Why Did I Get Married?

There have been movies with the same title that seemed to contemplate the purpose of marriage. We have also been a part of several debates on the topic (Beats Radio on Blog Talk Radio and Marriage Chat on Twitter). It seems that with the alarming rate of divorces in this country that it is a relevant question. Perhaps there are some women out there who had the vision of the knight in shining armor coming to rescue them and after the fairy tale wedding they would live happily ever after. Once reality set in(work, kids, finances, etc.) they most likely they began to question why they ever got married in the first place. We have also had singles question the purpose of marriage and whether or not it was an institution that was no longer relevant. As a happily married couple we want to tell you that we believe marriage is still a very relevant and meaningful institution. So why did we get married? First and foremost because we love each other and we want to be together. It seems simplistic, but we really enjoy spending time together. Today we both worked from our home office and even though we were so busy with work and back to back conference calls, we were still together and we were able to carve out time to eat lunch together. It was also important to us to be married so that we can have a family and be “partners in parenting”. The highest level of intimacy that can be achieved is between husband and wife. We are truly each other’s best friends and there is nothing we can’t share with one another. Once we decided we wanted to be committed to each other marriage was the natural next step. We wanted to make that commitment in front of God, our friends and our family. When couples are having trouble in their relationship it’s often helpful for them to try to remember why they got married in the first place. What was it about your spouse that attracted you to them in the first place? Are those characteristics still present? Have you or your partner changed significantly? If the answer is no, and assuming you got married for the right reasons, focus on the good qualities and get your marriage back on track. Levett and Pia Washington are relationship experts and co-authors of Shades of Love: Portraits of Successful Marriages. They are principals of The ECI Group which offers executive and relationship coaching services and hosts conferences, workshops and seminars for couples. Together since the age of 13, the husband and wife coaching team offer invaluable insight into the male and female roles in any relationship. For more information visit their website at

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