We have identified 7 steps for attracting your true love! Step number one is to prepare yourself for love. It is imperative to know yourself and identify your readiness issues in order to attract love. Ask yourself the tough questions such as what is it about myself that I would like to change? Am I carrying around baggage that will prevent me from having the relationship that I want? Do I have issues surrounding my self esteem that need to be addressed? Do I have opportunities for growth in the areas of finances, health and fitness, spirituality, etc.?
Once you have done this self analysis, develop a self-improvement plan and decide to become the best you that you can be. Many relationships fail because we try to change our partners into the man or woman we want them to be when in reality the only person we can change is ourselves. Once you have worked on your self and truly love yourself you will be rady to receive love from others and will attract the type of partner that you desire!